Membership runs one year from join or renewal date.     

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Can I pay for my membership using a PO from my school?

  • Yes! Please renew yourself online (answer all questions), and on the billing page choose "Invoice Me."
  • You MUST then send that invoice to your school's business office.
  • The invoice is automatically sent to you, the member, and only you.
  • You may reference your PO number with your school when forwarding the invoice (MSLA does not need to know the details of your PO).
  • Then your school will mail a check to the MSLA Office: PO Box 336, Wayland, MA 01778.

Why am I still getting auto-reminders saying my membership will lapse when I've already renewed?

  • These auto-emails are generated by Wild Apricot when a member has renewed, but MSLA hasn't yet received your payment.
  • If you are positive you renewed by answering the questions online, and got to the point where a new invoice was generated, you're all set. 
  • MSLA will not remove you from the email list. 
  • You will receive an email confirmation once we receive your payment.

My school renewed me! Why am I getting renewal reminder emails?

  • Your school CANNOT renew you. Your membership is an individual membership, and belongs to you.
  • If a school sends MSLA a PO we can't do anything with that information.
  • Each member must renew their own record every year.

I just took over a position from someone else at my school who had a current membership. My school is saying they paid for our membership already. Can I use that person's membership?

  • Memberships belong to the members, and not to the schools. 
  • They are non-transferrable.
  • You must join as a new member if you take over for someone else.

Is membership rolling?

  • Yes! You may join any day of the year. 
  • Your membership is valid one year from when you sign up.

I know I renewed. I have proof in my email. Why am I still getting emails saying my membership is lapsing?

  • Chances are you renewed using a different email.
  • Please check your Wild Apricot login information, and choose one email for MSLA communications!
  • Contact us if this is the case and we can merge your records into one.

What are some member benefits?

  • Members see BIG discounts on our annual conference! 
  • You'll be connected to the only network of its kind in our state for school library professionals: the MSLA email distribution list.
    The email list will become your go-to for finding rare articles and materials, brainstorming curriculum ideas, sharing best practices about library setups, and more. 
  • The MSLA Directory is available only to members.

PO Box 336  |  Wayland, MA  | 01778  |  508-276-1697

Emily Kristofek, Office Manager/Event Planner

Massachusetts School Library Association. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright 2025.

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software